Agency Leadership

Northwest AEA employs approximately 270 employees who provide services to schools and families throughout Northwest Iowa. This passionate staff is led by:

Dr. Dan Cox

Chief Administrator

Katy Evenson

Executive Director of Educational Services, Media, and Technology (ESMT)

Executive Director of Special Education

Executive Director of Finance

Jerome Schaefer

Executive Director of HR & Engagement

Director of Instructional Coaching

Sue Moran

Director of Early Childhood Services

Cathy Heizelman

Director, East Region

Ryan Dumkrieger

Director, North Region

Shari Blake

Director, West Region (rural LEAs)

Kelly Hoak

Director, West Region (Sioux City 6-12 and special programs)

Sara Klingensmith

Director, West Region (Sioux City K-5 and non-publics)

Circulation Coordinator

Faye Holsing Iowa IDEA Coordinator

Coordinator of Communications and Creative Services

Maintenance Supervisor

Molly Holtz

Sign Language Interpreter Supervisor

Bradey Malloy

Technology Supervisor

Judy Sweetman

Professional Learning Specialist

Sherri Wing

Administrative Assistant to the Chief and HR & Engagement, Board Secretary

Debbie Gibson

President, Associate Professional Staff Association (APSA)

Beth Tisher

President, Professional Staff Association (PSA)